GUANAJUATO! I can't say enough about this beautiful city. It is the capital of the state that bears the same name. Once a silver mining town it is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Colorful houses sit perched high on the hills surrounding the city with narrow steep alleys called Callejones , leading up to them. In the 18th century Guanajuato was a leading silver producing city discovered by the Spaniards and the under ground tunnels are remnants of that time.

It is popular with local Mexicans more then foreign tourists and there is a small community of expats that live here but they are definitely out numbered by locals. The Historical Centro has a bohemian vibe with musicians, artists and mimes entertaining visitors on the weekends.

The colonial architecture adds to the charm of the Centro. There are plenty of museums and touristy stuff to do but the best is just to get lost in the cobble stone alley ways that wind up steep hills. The town is very walkable albeit hilly.

I spent two and half weeks here, settling in a barrio (neighborhood) outside the city centro but still easy to get to (20 minute walk). Presa de Olla is a quiet neighborhood with a beautiful park and a damn with a reservoir.

Across the street was a wonderful bread shop and the best coffee in town plus a little store for fruits, veggies and homemade tortillas. On two corners there are street vendors in the mornings for a Mexican breakfast if I wanted.

It had everything I needed and I had snagged the BEST Airbnb so far in my travels. A little studio off the main street.

It has a small kitchen and the best patio ever! I spent many a afternoon sitting out side enjoy the sunshine in my little patio.

If I could take this studio and place it in my next forever location, I would be in heaven! Though I really liked Guanajuato, I didn't feel the urge to stay on any longer then the two weeks. I met some really nice folks while I was here, went hiking with a lady who like me had retired and just left Switzerland! She is also roaming the world in attempts to find her next home. I will meet up with Fran in San Miguel in a few days and we will see if we can't do some other travels together. I also met up with an old friend from Austin, what are the odds of THAT happening. It is a small world after all.

I took a day trip to Delores Hidalgo, the birthplace of the independence of Mexico from Spanish rule. I went with Sue, an expat who has lived in Guanajuato for about two years. We took the local bus over the mountains. Again with these hairy mountain transports! The bus drivers make dozen of trips to these pueblos I know but geez do they have to drive so fast!
Most days I lived like a local, washing clothes or going to the mercado for food. I tried to learn how to use the buses but it takes living here more then two weeks to do that! It isn't Switzerland transportation, that is for damn sure! There are no set schedules and the only indication of destination is hand written with shoe polish on the windshield. You just have to ask on boarding if they are going your direction. A little nerve racking especially coming from somewhere like Switzerland.
I listened to two audio books, mapped out my next few trips and colored. On occasion I would go out with my camera and try to capture some nice pictures. The days went by quickly and I never seem to tire of the life I am leading. I am ever so grateful that I am fine with just being instead having to do all the time.
I am headed to San Miguel de Allende for a few days to see what all the fuss is about. I believe it just hit #1 on some list of the best places in the world to live. Let's see if it lives up to that! After spending a few days in San Miguel, I am off to a permaculture community about 15km outside of San Miguel to spend a week in a little casita and hopefully do some volunteer work at a permaculture center nearby! I have missed playing in the dirt as it has been a year since I've had a garden.
When was the last time you took some time to just be rather than do???