Life is full of endless possibilities. Explore your world.
—Lailah Gity
Pulling the plug
I have made the decision to retire from what seems like a life time of employment. This was my present to myself for my sixtieth birthday this year. Yes, I could've waited another five years until I was "officially" retirement age but who knows what the next five years will bring! I want to run full speed ahead into my "Golden Years" while I still have the energy and fearlessness to do so. (#earlyretirement #slowtravel #exploreyourworld) I am certainly not ready to put away my passport, there is still so much of the world to explore! So, I will spend the next years slow traveling through continents and countries that pique my interest not really having a home. They call people like me "Senior Nomads"
The decision to retire early does not come without consequences, I will no longer be able to stay in Switzerland which saddens me greatly as I am in love with this beautiful country. So, where will I call home?! That my friends is still a mystery, even to me.